Friday, February 20, 2009

Prayer Request

Hello Every One,
Sorry I haven't been on for awhile but last weekend Travis went on a church retreat which he enjoyed tremendously. Yes Mom was worried the whole time he was gone and yes I cried too, you don't realize how quiet the house is with out him.
My prayer request is for my sons health. He has been very sick since Monday evening he just can't kick this bad cold or flu plus having asthma makes colds ect... worse. I tryed getting him into the doctor but they were so over booked that they told me if he got worse to take him to urgent care or hospital. Just pray that he will start feeling better and being his old self again.

1 comment:

bp said...

Hi Heather, I have missed your posts, did you get my email? I'll be praying for Travis and put him on my prayer list this week on my blog. Hugs to you,

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