Monday, January 26, 2009

10 Things I Love.....

10 Things I love...
BP gave me the letter C for this fun meme to list 10 things I love. All ten things have to start with C.
Here's my list!
1.) Christ
2.) Candy
3.) Cologne (hubby)
4.) Caramel
5.) Coloring
6.) Cold (weather)
7.) Cotton Candy
8.) Christmas
9.) Cooking
10.) Cantalope
Wow I had to think with that letter. If any one would like to play along let me know and I'll give you a letter.


Debra Kaye said...

Coming over from Bethany's...

Nice to meet you! Great "C" list! Christ...oh yes!!

Blessings to you today!

Denise said...

Nice list.

bp said...

Good job Heather! I thought when I got my "R" from Debra it wouldn't be hard b/c R is an easy letter right! LOL It was harder than I thought though!

Missy said...

I should send you a Coloring book for your Collection!

Michele Williams said...

Great list... how I know you put candy... but how about chocolate!!! lol.... Love you

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