Friday, September 5, 2008

Released from Baggage

Today was an AWESOME day for Travis and me. For months I have been praying for God’s direction and today I told Travis some life altering news. My mother received an e-mail months ago about the birth of Keith’s (my Ex) son and daughter. When she showed it to me I immediately said we can’t tell Travis he can’t handle it mentally and emotionally. I made everyone promise me they would keep their mouths shut and never speak of it again. As we all know God doesn’t work that way. So after months of agony should I tell him and trying to decipher Gods words verses what Satan is telling me. Last night when I broke down and told my husband what I was going through, I asked him what he thinks I should do. His words were, when Travis finds out I will not lie to him that I didn’t know, I then said, he could hate us for not telling him sooner. My husband replied, what would Jesus do………….all man right then and there I knew what I had to do. So when I got home from my Doctors appointment I sat Travis down and told him the news. I was shocked he took it very well. We talked, prayed and walked around Wal-mart came home and WOW he actually cuddled with me on the couch. God is good. I can truly and honestly say I am happy for my Ex, his wife and 2 new babies. I even called my Ex for Travis and I got his wife and we actually talked civil to each other. I also found out that my Ex is on his 8th tour in Iraq, I told her we would be praying for his safe return and their family. Travis is not ready to talk to Keith so I relayed the message to his wife for her to tell him. I am so proud of myself because I saw the change that the Lord has done in my life. Thank You Lord for seeing, loving and nurturing me through my baggage. It is all released now I feel light as a feather.
Oh, I am still sick the Doctor put me on a different antibiotic so hopefully I will start feeling better soon. I do thank all of you for praying for me this week.


Marsha said...

Hi sweetie! I'm rejoicing to see the way the Lord is working in your life. I'm praying for Travis. I know this has got to be a real mixed bag for him.

Also, be sure to sign up over at my blog for my blogoversary giveaway sometime today. The drawing is tomorrow.

Love you, my dear niece.

Kristi said...

Your post is amazing. God's fingerprints are all over this post. Keep up the good work, my friend. God is using you in mighty ways. I'm sorry that you have been sick. I will be praying for you!

Michele Williams said...

God is truly amazing. It's so wonderful to see how God answers our prayers for our children and grandchildren. In my and Travis... I love you both... and Karl too!
love you...

Michele Williams said...

Hey I have a tag for you to do... be kind to me... lol....

Missy said...

WOW...that is some heavy stuff.
Sounds like it was a good oppurtunity for you and your son to experience the Gospel first hand.

Hope you start feeling better :)

Kristi said...

Hey girlie! I have a few awards that I would like to bless you with. Stop by when you have a sec.

The Sawyers said...

Thanks for sharing that, now I know how to be praying for you guys. It is so good to know that God is in control.

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