Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm Hanging In :)

Well, it’s Monday evening and I have had no pain medicine since 4: oo a.m. because I am allergic to it. I noticed when I took the Demerol I broke out in hives all over my head and body. Then I switched over to the other pain meds and I started to break out in hives with the other pain meds, I tell y’all I'm a mess. So I am trying to deal with the pain with Tylenol and closing my eyes and thinking of something else. Just pray that the throbbing and pressure will start to fade away, my ear just feels so heavy like it’s not mine. Thank you though for all your continued prayers.

God Bless


Samantha said...

Praying for you, Heather !
Hugs and blessings to you !

Denise said...

Asking God to relieve your pain sweet friend, love you.

bp said...

Oh I'm so sorry! How are you this evening? I'll say a prayer for you.

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