Friday, April 24, 2009

Fun Things About Me

Oh Goodness...time for some grillin'!

1. When you were in school, did you study hard or cram the night before?

I always procrastinated so I would have to say I would cram the night before. I also would get nervous before test too.

2. What can pull you out of a really funky mood?
SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!! And going OUT to EAT so I don’t have to COOK…..LOL!!!!!

3. Do you keep the invoice after you've paid the bill?
YES, I learned the hard way when I had to produce a receipt for a bill I knew I paid to Electric Company. The only way I could prove it was going to the bank and having them print it out for me so now I keep everything, plus my parents over the years have nagged me continuously to keeps your receipts.

4. Do you have yard sales? Shop at them?
Once in a BLUE MOON with my parents!!!! Yeah, I like Yard Hopp’n its fun looking at other people’s stuff that could turn into my treasure.

5. When was the last time you rode a rollercoaster?
When we went to Sea World for Vacation 2 years ago I rode a roller coaster with my hubby and got all wet but it was FUN!!! I’m not much for rollercoaster though I usually just hang out by the side and take the pictures and watch the silly faces.

6. Spring you do such things as wash your windows?
Yep, sure do I do the entire dirty work even take down the curtains and wash them too.

7. How often do you clean out your refrigerator?
YUK, do we have to go there………I HATE cleaning OUT the FRIG it STINKS!!!!! Every time I go shopping I clean out the Frig!!!!

8. Have you ever been a victim of identity theft?
No, and Thank Goodness I haven’t .

Well, that’s all Folks I hope you Have a Great Weekend!!! Thanks for Stopp’n by!!!!!

God Bless, 


Denise said...

This was fun, enjoyed it.

Samantha said...

Such a cute post, thanks for sharing.
Hugs and blessings, have a great Saturday !

Michele Williams said...

Yeah right... you don't clean out the fridge! LOL...

HEATHER said...

Oh, thats right Mom. I must've had a brain fart thats your job RIGHT......LOL????!!!!!

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