Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy I Gave In

I have started reading a wonderful book called, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. Now let me tell you I got this book a few months ago and put it on a shelf like we all have done. The things is everyday I would walk by or look up from where ever I was at and out of all my books my eyes kept going to this one. The Holy Spirit has been pestering me for months like I said earlier and I just kept brushing God off saying, “I’m to busy I will get to it another time.” Well, I finally broke down today opened the book and this is what the first page said, An invitation for every woman who feels she isn’t godly enough, loving enough, or good enough…..WOW talk about getting smacked with a 2 by 4. I said, Ok Lord I get it, all this time crying out to God in prayer I had a book to help me through feelings that I am struggling with.
I have finished the 1st chapter here are something’s that stood out to me. Martha was always busy trying to get everything done to her perfection and Mary wanted to be in the presence of her Savior listening and learning as much as she could. Martha was upset with Mary because she didn’t help her sister with the household she just wanted to be with Jesus. Martha got upset one day when the Jesus was there with his disciples and Mary was listening in Martha came out furious with her sister and the Lord said Mary chose the better part. We ask ourselves what that means well, the better part implies that it was available to both Mary and Martha and its available to each of us, regardless of our gifting or personality. It’s a choice we can each make in our lives. As we know the choice did come easier to Mary but eventually Martha does come around. All I know is I want to be like Jesus, he went from one place of prayer to another and doing miracles in between. I know that I am going to be more tuned into and with God that not one action is wasted. That’s the kind of intimacy that Jesus invites me too share.


Denise said...

Blessings to you my friend, love you.

bp said...

Sounds like a wonderful book! I need to check and see if I have it. I don't think I do, I think I've just read about it!

Marsha said...

I haven't read this one yet, but I've heard it highly recommended by those that have. I'm so glad the Lord is using this to meet you where you are.

Michele Williams said...

Sounds like a great book! Something I probably need to read too! I love you daughter of mine!

bp said...

Happy Anniversary!

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